Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Keep Your Pet Warm in the Winter

We rounded the corner into the fall season months, which means that winter is just a ways away. With winter comes the usual diseases like common cold, flu and colds, which is expected for a man, but in winter especially difficult time for pets, which regularly any amount of time outdoors. As the owner to effectively protect your pet from the harsh climate without prejudice to the normal behavior, such as regular outdoor exercise and independence? Few people realize it, but winter has the same effect on our pets, what he does for people. Fur can only do so much, precautions must be taken to protect the health and well-being of your best friends in the cold winter months ahead. To avoid a trip to the vet, the next few moments, and precautions responsible pet owner must do to make health at low temperatures.

Age of the animal determined to spoil the degree and frequency that they should be allowed outdoors in cold weather. Especially young dogs and cats should not be outside for long periods of time. In addition, older animals are equally vulnerable to the cold. Young and old animals do not have the necessary body fat, metabolic rate, and fur should be adequately protected at low temperatures, they should be in for their own good.

Pet clothing charming, is not it? Puppy tightly wrapped in a miniature sweater Bill Cosby? Awww. But, is responsible with it. While clothing is a popular way to warm up your pets in cold temperatures, it is counter-effective if used properly. If an item of clothing becomes wet, remove it. Wet clothes as counterproductive for the animals and to humans. In addition, pet clothing will not make more bearable for the elderly or young animals. Pet clothing pet healthy open age, and is not a suitable substitute for a full coat of fur or insulating body fat.

Besides the cold, there are some other seasonal behavior that a pet owner should look out for. Always know where your pet is and what they do. Under the car is a popular place for cats to hide in the cold months. The absence of frost and temperatures above is the most attractive. Always check under your car and maybe even honking horn a few times to scare any hiding from the animals. In addition, spilled antifreeze should be cleaned immediately. Came sticky sweets will tempting for animals that can seriously poison yourself, trying to eat it. If your pet has swallowed antifreeze or any similar chemical, veterinary care must be taken immediately. Take your pet to the nearest animal hospital, it does not take much to be a lethal dose.

This brings us to the treatment. If your pet feels the negative reaction to the cold (muscle tension, poor appetite, fever, lethargy), there are some quick steps you can take. Bring a pet to a warm place and wrap them with a dry, warm blankets and towels. Vacation warm water bottle wrapped in a towel, in their stomach, and immediately call a veterinarian. The veterinarian will best be able to tell you the next course of action, and when necessary to risk a trip to the veterinary clinic. Empathy First of all, have compassion for your pet. The best rule is that if the weather is too cold for you, chances are it's too cold for your pet in the extended exposure. Give them a safe place in the house, hall, well-insulated garage retreat for extreme temperatures, and your pet to stay healthy and without incident in the cold.

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